Nelson Technologies upcoming Events
2022 APGA ConferenceNelson Technologies will be exhibiting at the Annual APGA Conference July 17th to July 20th here in Minneapolis, MN. The Event is for publicly owned natural gas companies to attend workshops, meetings, and seminars to help improve the reliability, operational efficiency, and regulatory environment in which public gas systems operate.
Come see us there! |
Appalachian Gas Measurement Short CourseNelson Technologies will be at the AGMSC August 1 - 4, 2022. Nelson Technologies also is a Sponsor of the 11th Annual Corn Hole Tournament. On August 1st at the Double Tree Hotel in Moon Township. Sign up to win prizes and bragging rights.
New Eagle Research MP Plus 2 for Daily Usage MonitoringNelson Technologies is currently installing the New Eagle Research MP Plus 2 at large industrial sites to help monitor the customers daily usage. These accumulators use low power and have an onboard cellular modem to call in the usage every hour. The solar units are communicating this information using only a 10-watt solar panel and a small battery.
By monitoring the daily usage an industrial customer can avoid any large costs for going over the daily gas usage agreed to on their contracts with a gas provider. Saving enough to pay for the units in a year or less. |
Mooney FlowMax and Slam Shut on Grain DryerLast year we had numerous Grain Dryer applications with our customers across the Mid West. The pictures on the left are from a new Grain Dryer in South Dakota.
This customer used a Mooney Flowmax Regulator for its high capacity at low differentials to meet the demands of the Grain Dryer. For over-pressure protection this customer chose a Stand Alone Mooney Slam Shut valve. A Slam Shut is used to prevent having a relief valve blowing gas near a grain dryer that is operated by a large burner. |
Bleed Gas to fuel Catalytic HeaterThis project was an installation of the Becker Bleed to Catalytic system. This particular customer has Becker control valves, and the Becker bleed to catalytic systems takes the actuation bleed gas and uses it to feed the catalytic pilot preheaters.
Delta Ball Valve Retrofit to include Bettis ActuatorsIn this project a customer installed Delta Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves from QuarterTurn Resources. The customer later wanted to add an actuator to the valves so QuarterTurn Retrofitted the valves with Bettis actuators.
Valtek Control Valve Retrofitted with Becker VRP PilotThese pictures represent a competitor's valve that was retrofitted to include a Becker VRP Pilot.
Becker Digital Natural Gas Positioner RetrofitThis project was a Becker Precision Equipment retrofit to an existing buried control valve. We replaced the actuation cylinder and pneumatic instrumentation with a new cylinder and the Becker DNGP digital positioner.
(c) Nelson Technologies, Inc. - Ph 952-835-1895 - Fx 952-835-4614 - 6300 Bury Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55346